EST: 1939
Location: 325 Franklin Street, Tonawanda, NY 14150
Phone: (716) 693-2307
Fax: (716) 695-7402
Club Email: [email protected]
Trained, professional staff available to support and assist K-8th grade students from any school.
Clubhouse Hours:
Senior Staff:
Membership and Application: Grades K-8, with Teen Night programs
- Transportation: available from Tonawanda City School District
Parent Handbook
- Each member application must include a list of authorized pick up persons. We are not allowed to release a child with out a parent or authorized person coming into the building. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent.
- Completed applications with original parent/guardian signatures must be sent in via email or mail, or dropped off at our Newman Clubhouse.
Alternate Transportation Application
Flag Football League
Clubhouse Rentals
Floor Hockey League